Donating and Volunteering

We need your support!

The Jewish Community in Hamburg, in addition to its public and other general offerings, in involved in carrying out a wide variety of charitable activities for the well being of its members.  These range from supporting our Kindergarten and Educational Facilities, to taking care of our Senior Citizens.  For many of our plans and projects, the financial resources of the Community are stretched thin.  Therefore, your financial support and volunteer help are urgently needed.

The Following projects and facilities can be supported through your donations:

Joseph Carlebach Daycare and Preschool

Joseph Carlebach School

Social Projects and Events (i.e. for Seniors, Women’s Groups, Holocaust Survivors, and for Community Members currently experiencing difficulties)

The Youth Center “Chasak”

The Cemetary

The Synagogue

WISZO Hamburg


General Purpose

Donation Account

Naturally you can make your donation via bank transfer. The Donation Account for the Jewish Community of Hamburg is:

Bank: Commerzbank AG
IBAN: DE59 2008 0000 0451 3976 07

In order to guarantee that your donation is used according to your wishes, and to ensure transparency for all of our donations, please make sure state the purpose of your donation.

Certificates of Donation and Tax Deductibility

Donations and contributions to charitable organizations are tax-deductible according §10b Income Tax Act.
Grants to promote non-profit organizations can total up to 20 percent of total income, or 0.4 percent of the sum of the total turnover per calendar year.

More on this at:
Certificates can be issued for donations of 50 Euros or more.

We thank you in advance for any type and amount of donation!!!

Contact Us

We gladly accept your questions, ideas, and special requests!
Please contact Mrs Julia Frank by phone: +49 (0)40 33 09 44 – 49 or
via email Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Would you like to volunteer for the Jewish Community? We would be very happy to have your help with the following activities:

• Accompanying our members to visits at the doctor’s office or on official business.

• Hospital visits and home visits

• Helping out at the cemetery

By volunteering your time, you can also earn tax advantages.  Please learn more at

Anmeldung / Login

Wir sind Partner

Projekte gefördert vom:


Jüdische Gemeinde
in Hamburg KdöR

Grindelhof 30
20146 Hamburg
Tel.: (040) 44 09 44 0
Fax: (040) 41 08 43 0
E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Hilfe / Support

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